
Showing posts from July, 2006

The way I feel, it's easy to see

Welly welly well my dear droogies... Finally, it is time for some frivolity and to enjoy a little victory dance. I'm back in business! Just received my new job offer this morning from Rivera Design Group and I'm starting tomorrow. It really is a relief to be back on track. Many things have happened lately: I'm not playing with the Ontario bass player anymore, instead a couple of rock youngsters are in charge of the string instruments and we're sounding great. Heavy and manly, lots of guts but not punkysh nor metalic. Just plain heavy, distorted and alittle funky if I may add. Seems that the so-called stoner rock is what my music compadres like, as well as other precious things like MrBungle and John Zorn. So, I'm as happy as can be. Hopefully in a near future I can slip in some old stuff. Concerts. Last week attended a Slayer concert at the GM Place, and some other metal bands we're also playing. Mastodon and Lamb of God were good. It's been ages since the l...